Current-Users by date

Last updated: Sat Oct 05 05:38:59 2024
Messages in reverse chronological order
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TimeSubject# followupsFrom
Sat, 05 Oct 2024
05:38 Call for tests: DRM fixes for upcoming NetBSD 10.1 (0) Rin Okuyama
03:33 daily CVS update output (0) NetBSD source update
Fri, 04 Oct 2024
12:04 Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 test failure (0) NetBSD Test Fixture
03:03 daily CVS update output (0) NetBSD source update
Thu, 03 Oct 2024
19:27 Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build succes (0) NetBSD Test Fixture
17:27 Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failur (0) NetBSD Test Fixture
03:03 daily CVS update output (0) NetBSD source update
Wed, 02 Oct 2024
21:39 re: non-x86 reading wrong jemalloc sources? (0) matthew green
03:09 daily CVS update output (0) NetBSD source update
Tue, 01 Oct 2024
18:18 Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build succes (0) NetBSD Test Fixture
17:41 Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failur (2) NetBSD Test Fixture
13:02 Re: non-x86 reading wrong jemalloc sources? (0) John D. Baker
05:10 Re: non-x86 reading wrong jemalloc sources? (1) Martin Husemann
03:03 daily CVS update output (0) NetBSD source update
01:01 non-x86 reading wrong jemalloc sources? (2) John D. Baker

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