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Re: failed to create llentry

Roy Marples <> writes:

> On 21/11/2018 19:51, wrote:
>> -B -M -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -s seem like really good flags,
>> thanks.
>> (are they good enough to be a default? right now anyone using wifi has
>> to have wpa_supplicant_flags set, so we can't break their usage)
> Yes and no.
> We would need to ship a default wpa_supplicant.conf - probably
> enabling the default socket so wpa_cli(8) just works and commented out
> entries for connecting to any open ap and a specific ap with psk.
> We might want to enable (but commented out maybe to start with) the
> ability instructions over the control socket to configure
> wpa_supplicant.conf as well.
> This would be handy for applications like dhcpcd-{gtk,qt}
> Then, the user just has to set wpa_supplicant=YES in rc.conf and
> voila, wireless network setup with X11 and a systray application
> becomes a lot easier for the end user to setup.

I am unclear on the fine points, but in general find wpa_supplicant to
be way too painful to deal with.  It really seems like it should be able
to be started by default, and exit if no wifi interfaces, and have some
command-line wifi_choose program that prints out a list of SSIDs, takes
a number, and asks for a password, and stores both the ssid and the
password, and next time just connects.  Sort of like how a mac works
clicking on the wifi icon, but command line. And a gui version would be
fine too of course.  To me this is the biggest NetBSD wifi usability
issue, or perhaps it's just behind USB wifi adaptors being slightly

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