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Re: bootable usb stick

Bernd Ernesti, 12/24/08 23:34:
On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 09:34:50AM -0700, Sverre Froyen wrote:

When I was bitten by the "amd64 -current crashs at boot" problem (I did not pay attention to the initial reports because of the subject line -- I am using i386), both my netbsd and onetbsd kernels started failing the minute I installed userland (including the new kernel modules). I was lucky to find an old 5.99.4 kernel that I could use to rebuild and reinstall the ffs module. I have now invested $20 in a USB stick that contains a working bootable 5.99.5 system and that I can use to fix any future mishaps.
Do you have an instruction how to install a bootable netbsd system on a usb
I thought about to do something, but wasn't sure if it will work with a usb
stick which has a U3 system on it.


I think you ask to install NetBSD on a usb memory, which easy and i use for a long time. The only requirement is that, your bios should see usb memory as sd drive...
- Plugin your usb memory
- Insert NetBSD CD into your CD drive.
- Go through steps, and check installation CD shows you whether there are wd0 and sd0 drivers - or not. If it detects sd0 drive, install NetBSD onto it. If it detects only wd0, almost no chance.
That's all.


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