At Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:35:10 +0000, nia <> wrote: Subject: Re: Consider to switch libjpeg-turbo as default jpeg > > The cmake dependency is extremely heavy. I second that! Cmake is a non-starter for me -- I will never allow it on any machine I use or maintain. I will be eager to help write a BSD Make based build for it though! Indeed if I find myself wanting to use something depending on it, I will build a BSD Makefile for it, but that timeline alone is not something anyone should depend on me for! If there's any uptake for this outside my own needs, please do let me know and I'll jump in right away. There's no possible reason this library (or any "simple" C or C++ library) should ever need anything complex in terms of a build. This library's only configuration needs would seem to be in selecting target CPU features to support for the low-level assembler code. There have been ongoing issues with JPEG libraries keeping up with security issues for some years, and if this is the one many upstream projects are focusing on and perhaps contributing back to, then it should be as easy to build and use as possible. Libjpeg-turbo scare me a little bit though as it adds a lot of very low-level code for some rather complex algorithms -- perfect feeding ground for new attacks. There are also some "interesting" statements on the web site about libjpeg. All in all though I do get better vibes from than I do from or w.r.t. how issues might be handled. -- Greg A. Woods <> Kelowna, BC +1 250 762-7675 RoboHack <> Planix, Inc. <> Avoncote Farms <>
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