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Re: C99 (was: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc)

* On 2025-03-07 at 15:46 GMT, Benny Siegert wrote:

Something like this?

Yes, exactly this.

I would like to understand better why this cannot be in pkgsrc itself.
Because Dreckly is on GitHub and pkgsrc is not?

Being GitHub-native does make a few things easier, but there's no technical reason why it couldn't be done using the GitHub mirror, or a separate repository like I did last year with that was posted to the lists:

or any other custom system like Jenkins etc that we run in-house.

The only reason is culture. As Jason said there was little to no interest in the work I did last year, on which dreckly is based. There were a grand total of 2 pull requests to test commits, one from you and one from Jason. Same goes for the last 13 years of me offering to run bulk builds for any larger changes. Nobody has asked me to perform any of those since Joerg left.

Jonathan Perkin          
Open Source Complete Cloud

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