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Re: C99 (was: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc)
> It wouldn't help me, it would make things worse. I'd now have a 2 - 3
> week period in which the pressure is on to fix all of the breakage from
> the past 3 months, before I can then start on any development work I'd
> need to do. After which I'd then need to go and sync back to my fork
> and continue there anyway, as pkgsrc will be broken again for me within
> days after the freeze finishes and the floodgates of untested changes
> are resumed.
I see.
At the macro level, what would help with this is if pkgsrc had CI. CI
that is more granular than running full bulk builds and seeing that
things started failing. Some system that would check each commit for
breakage, with some sort of consequences. But that would require a
very different development model. Something like each commit being on
a branch and only being merged after testing.
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