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Re: Un-breaking lang/tcl? (Re: 2022Q2 freeze has started)

"Dr. Thomas Orgis" <> writes:

> -lib/tcl${BASEVER}/http/http.tcl
> -lib/tcl${BASEVER}/http/pkgIndex.tcl
> +lib/tcl8/8.6/

What is ${BASEVER}?

> This is the http module in two differing forms. The default upstream
> install creates the single .tm file, the pkgsrc patch enforces the .tcl
> file in a subdirectory with pkgIndex.tcl.
>> (But that's not an issue
>> if this is backing out a previous odd change.)
> This is my current position: It was an odd change, or at least is an
> odd change nowadays.
> So OK to commit? I must admit that I don't know know the details about
> the differing ways of Tcl installation.

How about waiting 24h from your first mail to see if anyone who knows
tcl well speaks up, and then go ahead

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