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Re: Shall security/p11-kit depend on gettext-lib?

Am Sun, 4 Jul 2021 05:18:16 +0000
schrieb David Holland <>: 

> On Sat, Jul 03, 2021 at 12:36:34PM +0200, Dr. Thomas Orgis wrote:
>  > ---       8 Mar 2020 16:42:30 -0000       1.3
>  > +++       3 Jul 2021 10:30:50 -0000
>  > @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
>  > [...]
>  > +.include "../../devel/gettext-lib/"  
> You shouldn't need to add it to the bl3 file unless applications also
> need to explicitly link to gettext, which AFAIK they don't. The
> dependency is enough to get the files buildlinked.

The whole thing started because of

# Libraries that this one depends upon.
# buildlink modification
dependency_libs='-L/pkg_prefix/lib -lffi /usr/lib/ -ldl -lpthread'

in lib/pkgconfig/ I got linking failure because the was translated to a buildlink path and that path was not
present. I shuffled things around a bit, at first enforcing pkgsrc's
gettext-lib to be used, with that, the file changes to

dependency_libs='-L/pkg_prefix/lib -lffi -lintl -ldl -lpthread'

Does that mean dependent packages should include the dep via the
buildlink or not?

I must admit that I am working on cleaning up the situation with my
host Linux system. It used to provide gettext in glibc and also gettext
libintl. This is a rather uncommon configuration, at least not
something pkgsrc expects.

I removed gettext's libintl but now it seems like I should make a new
bootstrap and re-build pkgsrc as the base gcc also moved to 11.1. Maybe
I should stop testing stuff on that weird box and keep my pkgsrc work
confined to the HPC system where I deploy … well, a plain Ubuntu system
also doesn't have this libintl confusion. I have this tendency to walk
around into corner cases.

Anyhow … does the appearance of libintl in the .la file warrant
inclusion of the dependency or not?

Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
HPC @ Universität Hamburg

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