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comments on installation instructions

i have been running a few RPI3B systems (currently 2) for a long time;
they are running NetBSD 9 STABLE earmv7hf-el right now.  I remember
setting them up via serial console, but I don't remember the details as
it was probably 5 years ago.

I have a new Pi 4, and am going to install NetBSD 10 evbarm64 on it.

Reading file:///usr/obj/gdt-10/releasedir/evbarm64-el/INSTALL.html (your
URL will vary!), I have questions/comments:

  > Install the board-specific U-Boot to the SD card, e.g. for Allwinner
  > devices (PINE H64 in this case):

So for RPI4, this is a NOOP  because RPI does not use uboot, but how
would I, if I didn't know, know this?

The rest of it is vanilla.  It does not address -- and maybe this is not
the right place and it belongs in the RPI  howto, which I should read
again because I forget what's there even if I wrote part of it --
several things:

  If I want to edit the image to make it use serial console, what do I

  If I want to enable ssh over the network, so I can do setup on
  ethernet, if I don't have a monitor or a serial cable, what do I do?
  How do I stick in a root password, and how do I enable sshd and tell
  it to let root log in?

I can figure all this out, and apparently did and forgot, but it seems
that it would be nice to explain.  Perhaps just a link to


would help, with the caveat that it's about the Pi only...


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