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Re: 2016-10-01-netbsd-raspi-earmv6hf.img (Re: Raspberry Pi update please.)

I had switched my monitor to a different input for a few days and when
I switched back I see a screen full of

urtwn0: could not send firmware command 5

Which appears every few seconds.  My urtwn0 is still plugged in from a
few days ago.  My first thought was another USB problem.  I've got
mouse detach messages mixed in but much less frequent.

Much to my surprise I can still ping my DHCP server/WiFi AP, and I can
actually ping Google.

But time to switch back to a Raspbian SD card to work on issues there.
A little off topic I can report that these cheap 8 GB class 10 SD
cards from China at $3.67 with free shipping seem to work fine, I have
3 of them http://www.gearbest.com/memory-cards/pp_350764.html

Oh, yes, wsmoused=NO is the default, I turned it on once to play with
mouse support in mc.  But I find
alias mc "mc -ad"
is more useful, turns off mouse support and boxdrawing chars.  I
install mc, Joe, and tcsh on just about everything I can so they all
work mostly the same.

On 10/4/16, Paul Goyette <paul%whooppee.com@localhost> wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Oct 2016, Alan Corey wrote:
>> I remember not too long ago (in OpenBSD probably) you had to
>> specifically enable wsmouse outside of X.  Yes, it's still there in
>> rc.conf:
>> # For enabling console mouse support (i386 alpha amd64)
>> wsmoused_flags=NO       # for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p
>> /dev/cua00"
> Yeah, in NetBSD it seems to need the following in /etc/rc.conf
>  	wsmoused=YES ; wsmoused_flags=""
> This does stop the disconnect/reconnect sequence.  HOWEVER, it does not
> actually enable the mouse in the console, and logs the following in my
> /var/log/messages:
>  	<time> <host> ioctl(WSDISPLAYIO_GETWSCHAR) failed
>  	<time> <host> Invalid argument
> Furthermore, it does not seem to release/close the mouse when I switch
> back to my X display, thus I have no mouse at all in X.
> I think for now I will leave wsmoused=NO  :)
> If you're concerned about the "corruption" of the display while
> editting, I find that ^R (or ^L) is quite useful....   :)
> +------------------+--------------------------+------------------------+
> | Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:      |
> | (Retired)        | FA29 0E3B 35AF E8AE 6651 | paul at whooppee.com   |
> | Kernel Developer | 0786 F758 55DE 53BA 7731 | pgoyette at netbsd.org |
> +------------------+--------------------------+------------------------+

Credit is the root of all evil.  - AB1JX

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