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Re: pkgsrc question ....

On 2015-04-05 06:03, Greg Troxel wrote:

"William A. Mahaffey III" <wam%hiwaay.net@localhost> writes:

I am looking to stay strictly std., not looking for outsider builds,

If someone who is not a NetBSD developer does a bulk build, or if a
developer does a build build in an environment that isn't adequately
controlled, then aside from security worries, the results are the same.
So a build done by someone else that we point to isn't actually
deficient, just ineligible for official TNF hosting.  But the big
problem is that we don't know of any...

I'm working on selective builds of current for several platforms, but it's definitely not an official thing. When I have something I think is good enough for release I'll make packages available.



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