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Re: Moving wip to Subversion

On Sun, Mar 12, 2006 at 11:50:07AM +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:

> I see the following problems:
> 1 NetBSD has cvs(1) in the base system, subversion is "only" a package;
>   that increases the barrier for getting started
> 2 We need a replacement script that generates the commit mails (Is there one
>   already? Does it have all the feature the currently used one has?)

3. it is extremely convenient that pkgsrc and wip are under the same
revision control software. the learning curve is small and this is
always a good thing, especially for new users.

one small usage example is that if wip were in !cvs, the convenience
of having "cvs update" in pkgsrc/ also update the wip/ directory would
be lost. that's a reasonable downside, imho.

are there any compelling enough reasons to do it, such that the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages? if not, I don't see why it's
worth it. I know it's what all the "cool kids" seem to be doing, but
that's not reason enough for us I don't think.

"if it ain't broke, ..." :)


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