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Re: sqlite3 json1

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Troxel <> writes:

    Greg> "Mathew, Cherry G.*" <> writes:
    >> I was wondering if databases/sqlite3 builds with json1 in core
    >> (this has been enabled for a while, iiuc).

    Greg> I am not sure, but pkgsrc sqlite3 builds tend to include
    Greg> things, while netbsd base has excluded some.  This caused
    Greg> issues with matrix-synapse which needed some feature.

along the same lines here - I was trying to get
to behave.

    >> Also, how does the sqlite3 in base/pkg get selected for use by a
    >> program? I'm especially interested in the case of python.

    Greg> databases/sqlite3/ decides if base is good enough.
    Greg> You should be able to set a PREFER variable (see the guide or
    Greg> the sources; I don't have the details paged in) to force this.

    Greg> A complexity is that some base libs have sqlite3 (heimdal?),
    Greg> and if you force pkgsrc you can end up with it linked twice
    Greg> which is bad.  But you can personally avoid that more easily
    Greg> than pkgsrc in the general case can avoid it.

    Greg> Really, base sqlite3 should either not exist or include these
    Greg> things.  

My best guess is that base sqlite3 is a thing because of our fancy
apropos ? 


>>>>> "Taylor" == Taylor R Campbell <> writes:

    >> From: "Mathew\, Cherry G.*" <> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023
    >> 20:55:16 +0000
    >> I was wondering if databases/sqlite3 builds with json1 in core
    >> (this has been enabled for a while, iiuc).

    Taylor> $ /pkg/2023Q2/bin/sqlite3 SQLite version 3.42.0 2023-05-16
    Taylor> 12:36:15 Enter ".help" for usage hints.  Connected to a
    Taylor> transient in-memory database.  Use ".open FILENAME" to
    Taylor> reopen on a persistent database.
    sqlite> select '{"a":123}'->'$.a';
    Taylor> 123

    >> Also, how does the sqlite3 in base/pkg get selected for use by a
    >> program? I'm especially interested in the case of python.

    Taylor> On NetBSD, default is base, which is too old for json core
    Taylor> (even in netbsd-10; time to update, I guess).  

Yes please - or remove it entirely - or, have it documented (like we
have for X11 vs. Xorg) ?

    Taylor> You can override this by setting PREFER_PKGSRC+=sqlite3.
    Taylor> You can test which one was selected by examining `ldd
    Taylor> $PREFIX/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/', for
    Taylor> example, for the py-sqlite3 package:

    Taylor> $ ldd /pkg/2023Q2/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/
    Taylor> /pkg/2023Q2/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/
    Taylor> -lsqlite3.0 => /pkg/2023Q2/lib/ ...

    Taylor> In my case, this shows I set PREFER_PKGSRC+=sqlite3, so the
    Taylor> json core expressions work:

    Taylor> $ /pkg/2023Q2/bin/python3.10 Python 3.10.12 (main, Jun 26
    Taylor> 2023, 19:48:34) [GCC 7.4.0] on netbsd9 Type "help",
    Taylor> "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>>> import sqlite3
    >>>> sqlite3.connect(':memory:').cursor().execute('''select
    >>>> '{"a":123}'->'$.a';''').fetchall()
    Taylor> [('123',)]

    Taylor> However, there's a complication for any packages that _also_
    Taylor> link against base Heimdal, because base Heimdal is
    Taylor> unconditionally linked against base sqlite3:
    Taylor> <>.  So it's a mess that we
    Taylor> need to clean up.

    Taylor> P.S.  FYI, I have had a much better experience with py-apsw
    Taylor> than with py-sqlite3, which as I recall has hopelessly
    Taylor> incoherent transaction semantics.  (But the same
    Taylor> PREFER_PKGSRC consideration applies.)

Thanks Taylor, Greg for your kind inputs - I am viewing this currently
with the "user" hat on, and the best thing that worked for me for now

microblog_env=$microblog_env\ "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/pkg/lib/"

in my as yet uncommitted rc.d/microblog. Seems to work so far.


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