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Re: weird /etc/ifconfig.*

I have various systems with two or three nics and appropriate ifconfig.if files and never met such a problem.
Are any of them 4.0?

I don't see anything in security report and would only expect to do so after I'd made a change.
I suspect that it my be related to /var/backups/etc/ifconfig* files, with are RCS files created by security. On a machine with the problem I have deleted the files and they have been recreated by /etc/security. So, I am going to watch and see what happens next.
I don't think it is /etc/security causing the problem but something related.

What are file permissions and ownership?
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel

Has the interface been restarted with new configuration?
Yes, the config did change.  It is being "restored" to the original config.

Is there anything suspicious in rc.conf or rc.local or even a forgotten about cron job.
This is new system there are no cronjobs.  Default rc.conf.


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