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Re: pkgsrc gcc discussion #3874 writes:

> to summarize, we have 2 issues we would like to resolve:
> Improve the situation for people who are using RHEL6 and similar, and
> start out with a toolchain too old.

That's too narrow.  It's "all systems that have gcc in base and for
which the base gcc is < 4.8".  That includes NetBSD 6.   It's about to
change to a higher version when some critical dependency changes, adn
then it will include NetBSD 7.

Another way to characterize it is "all systems with gcc in base, except
those which have been released extremely recently or aren't yet

> In an ideal world, it would be nice if we could provide:
> At bootstrap, detect that the toolchain is too old (binutils, gcc)
>   -> If so, and unless disabled, attempt to build pkgsrc GCC and binutils
>      Provide a message saying this can be disabled.
>      Provide the ability to disable this on a per-OS basis
>      -> on success, use this exclusively.
>      -> on failure, continue normally, provide a warning

Probably, but have you read what is in the wiki page?  Absent the "on
failure" stuff, and messages, it's pretty much what you describe.   I
don't see the point in continuing on failure, as opposed to someone
changing the control variables and starting over.

> I'm assuming GCC 5 or 6 is a good choice now, but we should probably
> decide when it is OK to change this number eventually.

gcc5 is the right choice, per the stats I just aadded, and second place
is 4.9

> Proposed cutoff:
> - GCC <4.8
> That would be cool but I haven't looked at how we do bootstrap or even
> tried to use pkgsrc binutils.

This happens all the time now, on NetBSD 7amd64/i386 at least, to build
firefox, which needs 4.9, and the system is 4.8.  4.9 is built, and used
for firefox and it works.

So it sounds like you are mostly ok with the proposal?

> Additional cool points: if we can provide a binary bootstrap kit doing
> the above, for platforms where obtaining a toolchain is non-trivial like
> ChromeOS.

Definitely.  Or even platforms that are just slow.

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