Hi Edgar,
4.3 did not have on-disk disklabels.Really? My first encounter with BSD was ~1983 on a VAX 11/750 which switched between VMS and 4.2BSD (or 4.3, definitely not 4.4) every other day and I think it had two disc packs with different partition layouts. I also remember ws@ (who was the guy to introduce me to Unix) telling me that disklables were DEC’s native partitioning scheme. Wolfgang, liege ich total daneben?
You must be misremembering something. As I didn't have access to any pre-4.4 BSD back then (only shortly to PWB and then to V7), I had no idea about "DEC's native partitioning scheme". Looking at the 4.3BSD sources (at http://minnie.tuhs.org/cgi-bin/utree.pl) seems to indicate that the partition tables were indeed compiled into the kernel (as they were with V7). However, by default the partition tables had some overlapping partitions, so you could access your packs with different layouts. Ciao, Wolfgang -- Wolfgang%Solfrank.net@localhost Wolfgang Solfrank