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Re: netbsd-10, merging device-streams (xstreamtodev, rdbinfo)

On Mon, 20 Mar 2023 at 13:19, Roc Vallès <vallesroc%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
> Hi,
> The cut issue didn't seem right to me, so I looked at it again. Cut is
> not the culprit, both cuts behave as expected.
> Sed is the actual culprit, Expression sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+/ /g'
> seems to at least match something if the \+ is removed from the
> expression, thus it doesn't like the \+ to match one or more.
> So I did some digging, and GNU is the odd one, whereas other
> implementations that follow POSIX.2 do not do this. I understand it
> isn't in the spec in the first place.

GNU has a habit of adding many additional useful extensions to
libraries tools... which is great if you are only using GNU tools, but
a pain for musl libc, BSD and other users :)

On a related note - test build of NetBSD-current with the latest
device-streams is at:
https://sync.absd.org/amiga/current/installation/misc/ (Full build
https://sync.absd.org/amiga/current/ )

I'll hold off for you to dig through the gnu sed gordian knot :) and
maybe an a version with an updated README, and then commit to the tree
for real and get a pullup to at least netbsd-10 (and maybe netbsd-9)



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