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Re: segfault in libterminfo with ncurses with nethack

On Tue 05 Sep 2023 at 00:01:25 +0000, RVP wrote:
> That seems sensible. And, the next para. is:
> ```
> # User-settable variables:
> #
> #	This value represents the type of curses we wish to use on the
> #	system.  Setting this to "curses" means that the system curses
> #	implementation is fine.
> #
> #	Possible: curses, ncurses, ncursesw, pdcurses
> #	Default: (depends)
> ```
> So, if you use mk/, one should set CURSES_DEFAULT=ncursesw
> to compile with ncursesw.

That sounds sensible, but it is a "User-settable" variable, i.e. a
package should not really set it. Pkglint will complain. On the other
hand, I ended up using PREFER.curses = pkgsrc instead, for which the
same holds. I was misled somewhat into thinking some other variable also
worked, because apparently as soon as you start a build, some makefile
fragment is written in there ( and that overrides
(some of the) changes you might make to the package Makefile for

> -RVP
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                            <rhialto/at/>
\X/ There is no AI. There is just someone else's work.           --I. Rose

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