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Re: hello

On Tue, 15 Feb 2022, alain nierveze wrote:

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 10:51:12 +0100
From: alain nierveze <>
Subject: hello

hello,this is a test to see if it works,I have just installed netbsd on a pc,

an old toshiba satellite 220cds from 1992 with only 16 mo ram,1.2 hd ,I installed the very old 1.3.2

version from walnut creek cdrom,bought a long time ago

I installed only text version on the whole disk ,it works well,I did that just to learn unix and c on a small machine

have a good day

Good to hear NetBSD brings another older device back to life.
You beat my 2014 HP with a AMD E2-3800 cpu & 4gb ram that I almost
sent to the recycle bin, but NetBSD makes is humm again.
I'm having fun using Alpine email in the uxterm window.

L'absence de virus dans ce courrier ?lectronique a ?t? v?rifi?e par le logiciel antivirus Avast.

I don't know if Avast will install on NetBSD ;-)

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