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Re: cvs better than git?

On 2020-06-21 14:27, Andreas Krey wrote:
On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 12:07:00 +0000, Johnny Billquist wrote:
simple operations, and yet I waste a day or two on git instead of just
getting work done. For me a clear sign that the tool is wrong.

'one or two days' has a bit of a smell to it.

It is a rather loose statement, yes. But last time I had it happen, in the end, it was three people trying to figure things out for most of one day before giving up. And it has happened more than once.

I doubt I could ever give a totally accurate number for the time wasted, but it is obviously significant.

obviously not meant for people to use on the command line. You do not
have 20 character long hashes as arguments to something on a command
line interface.

40. And you can abbreviate as far as they stay unambiguous.

And it's still not anything you would want to type at all.

Call it what you want. In the end, you still have a master somewhere.
Which is the absolute truth of the work. And everyone else needs to sync
with that. And anything going in there needs to be checked before accepted.

The point being, regarding the usability of git and/or other VCSes
in the review process?

I am still curious about how to manage well in git the scenario where you do have a central repository that holds the actual source of truth, and where you want to review and approve anything that gets committed. The gains of local repositories certainly diminish in the light of that, but it does add potential issues in keeping things in sync, getting committed and shared. As I mentioned, we are using gerrit for this where I work. But that is certainly not without a lot of pain.

If you use something like github, then you will be using their systems and mechanism for this, and if you are forced to switch, then this also gets hit. Which was my point. It's not that you have "pure" git in the first place. If you use some external service, you will also be dependent on surrounding infrastructure provided, which means that a move to some alternative comes with a cost.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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