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Re: Postfix and local mail delivery - still relevant in 2020?

On Saturday, 6 June 2020, Sad Clouds wrote:
> I've been wondering - why have Postfix in the base system and why have
> it enabled by default?
> Most people are not interested in running their own mail server. In
> this case, what is the value of having Postfix just to deliver daily(5)
> reports to /var/mail/root? Seems like an overkill for something that
> syslog can do perfectly well.
> Is this just a vestige of 1980s time-sharing systems, when computers
> were expensive and many different users had to coexist on the same
> system?
In DragonFlyBSD they invented DMA (Dragonfly mail agent) exactly for this purpose
Sent from my Sailfish device

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