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Re: vndcompress and wedges (bch) writes:

># </dev/rdk1 progress -l 939413388k vndcompress -c -k 256 -l 939413388k
> /dev/stdin /mnt/home/bch/myimg.imz

That should work assuming the length is correct, but only accidentally
as progress uses a 64kB input buffer.

>I associate the img w and vnd device:
># vndconfig -z vnd0 /mnt/home/bch/myimg.imz

>Then try mounting (vnd0a or vnd0d) and get =E2=80=9Cincorrect superblock=E2=
>=80=9D errors.

It should work by accessing the raw disk vnd0d (and works here).

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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