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Re: The State of NPF?

On 07/25/17 01:54, Ryan Brackenbury wrote:
> - No UPnP support as far as I am aware

   It's surprisingly easy to add support for new packet filters to
miniupnpd, so it's not a big task.

   The only current showstopper is that npf supports dynamic filtering
rules but not dynamic NAT rules.  (And this is allegedly not a
difficulty task).

   Once that has been done the only thing which may make this slightly
more challenging than "trivial" to someone unfamiliar with npf is that
(and this may have changed since I looked at it a long time ago) there's
no convenient API - wrapped in a dynamic linked library - to add/remove
rules, you have to generate the bytecode for the rules.

Kind regards,
Jan Danielsson

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