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Re: dhcpcd / IPv6 question

Am 8. April 2015 14:40:14 MESZ, schrieb Greg Troxel <>:
>I have tunnels from
>sixxs, and aside from occasional POP issues they have been pretty
With SIXX i have (sorry) very bad experiences - mainly regarding their support (just silence or no help in regaining an access to a misconfigured tunnel on SIXX side, inflexibility to just ignorance...) and partly their register policies. I wouldn't recommend it for applications require any kind of "reliability", but may OK for playing around with IPv6, where bandwidth and reliability are secondly or tertiary...

I'm in the luck of having an access provider (VDSL) now who offers IPv6 natively within their products over a dual stack by default - so the user can decide what IP to use for what in his network. Before i've runned my own IPv6 tunnels over some of our noc locations with dual stack uplink. If you have similiar options (or i.e. some access to a machine/system on an IPv6), i would recommend to prefer them too over SIXX.

Not at least - if you want to prevent third party snooping of your traffic activities by i.e. services or whatever - i would avoid such well known / costless "quasi anonymous" tunnel services because they are much more easy to watchover by services - with or without the help of the provider (if the tunnel services is not runned by a service directly...). And if you come not around a tunnel service, try to prefer one which is usable with any proven standard open source solutions / completely open protocol standards.

just my two cents,

Niels Dettenbach
Syndicat IT & Internet

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