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Re: rump newbie question

Well, the short answer is "not unless you want a hobby". Given that you seem to be in for a hobby with kgdb anyway, I'll proceed with the long answer and let you decide for yourself which hobby you find more interesting.

On 18/02/14 21:28, Justin Cormack wrote:
On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Patrick Welche <> 
As I am having issues with kgdb over serial, I thought I would try kernel
debugging using rump. My first attempt has been to run rump_allserver, and

(gdb) attach 24469
Attaching to program: /usr/bin/rump_allserver, process 24469
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/
(gdb) break sys_modctl
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7f7fe6c49971: file 
/usr/src/lib/librump/../../sys/rump/../kern/sys_module.c, line 111.
(gdb) c


quark# rump.modload /stand/amd64/6.99.31/modules/hdaudio/hdaudio.kmod
rump.modload: prog init failed: No such file or directory

Is this a sensible way of looking at hdaudio? What am I missing?

Judging by the error message, I'd guess $RUMP_SERVER is not set properly.

Looking at ktrace on my machine it loads hdaudio fine but then fails
trying to  open /stand/amd64/6.99.28/modules/pci , not sure if you
have the same issue, what does ktrace output say?

... but this is a more interesting point. There is currently no support for pci as a loadable module, at least as far I can see from looking as src/sys/modules. As hdaudio depends on a pci module, and, unlike a monolithic kernel, a rump kernel does not have pci builtin, the hdaudio module cannot load in a rump kernel because a dependency is missing.

Even if a pci module (non-builtin) existed, there is currently no support for the pci bus access in userspace in rump kernels. It is easy('ish) to support pci in a rump kernel as shown by rump kernels on top of Xen, at least assuming you don't care about DMA safety. However, no matter how easy someone must write the code for userspace for pci bus access to work.

There's also the issue that amd64 kernel module binaries can't generally be loaded into userspace because the kernel modules use 32bit pointer offsets, which understandably doesn't work very well in a 64bit address space. It's not difficult to hack around this in a private tree (trivial solution example: compile sys/module without -mcmodel=kernel), but slightly more difficult to turn the workaround into something that could be committed. I'm not saying a committable solution is impossible, it's just a bit more convoluted.

So, as is always the case with open source, fixing something trivial has recursed into coming up with solutions to n problems (*). If you're just interested in just the hdaudio problem, the fastest way is most likely printf-reboot-printf-reboot-.... but that won't help the next person, or yourself, with the next driver under the hammer.

  - antti

*) incidentally, that's why I enjoy Windows where problems can't be fixed

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