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Re: Xfburn


by help of Freddy Fisker doing experiments on his real NetBSD
and of my qemu/kvm based virtual NetBSD i have now adapted libburn
to perform SCSI transactions via ioctl(SCIOCCOMMAND).

My compliments towards the distro packagers. The environment for
building my binaries worked out of the box (NetBSD-6.1.3-i386.iso).
Very convenient for an upstream programmer.

I have uploaded two library tarballs which will have to be installed
for porting and operation of Xfburn:

The third library tarball will install a xorriso binary which links
with the two previous libraries the same way as Xfburn does.
So it can serve for testing suitability before work on Xfburn begins:

There are already packages of the libraries in pkgsrc-wip.
If any of them is installed, please de-install before installing
the new tarballs.

libburn and libisofs have to be installed, before libisoburn can be
installed. With x = "burn", "isofs", "isoburn" do:

  tar xzf lib${x}-1.3.5.tar.gz
  cd lib${x}-1.3.5 && ./configure --prefix /usr && make
  make install
  cd ..

Afterwards there should be installed (among others which
autotools deem necessary):

  /usr/lib/ ->
  /usr/lib/ ->
  /usr/lib/ ->




I adapted the library numbering scheme to what i see in /usr/lib
of my virtual NetBSD 6.1.3.
Any hint for improvement of out-of-the-box installability is

The command
  xorriso -version
should report among other lines
  libburn OS adapter:  internal NetBSD SCIOCCOMMAND adapter sg-netbsd

libburn should now be able to handle any writable medium type from
CD-R to BD-RE DL. Supported are all drives which comply to one of
the standards MMC-1 to MMC-6. (I.e. younger than the mid 1990s.)

Experiments to prove suitability of libburn and libisofs:

Superuser authority should not be needed for the tests and is
not advised.
Grant rw-permission on /dev/rcd*d (or rcd*c) to some test user.
Then operate xorriso as that user.

Get a list of accessible CD drives

  xorriso -devices

Inspect the medium in drive /dev/rcd0d

  xorriso -outdev /dev/rcd0d -toc

Inspect a medium with ISO 9660 filesystem on it (e.g. with

  xorriso -indev /dev/rcd0d -toc -pvd_info

Burn a moderately sized directory (here: /usr/bin) as ISO 9660
onto an unused or re-usable medium

  xorriso -outdev /dev/rcd0d -blank as_needed -map /usr/bin /usr/bin

Afterwards, please eject the medium to invalidate block buffers,
load it again, and try whether it is mountable as -t cd9660
according to
Check whether /mnt/usr/bin appears as complete copy of /usr/bin.
E.g. by
  diff -r /usr/bin /mnt/usr/bin

Add another session (e.g. /usr/lib and /lib)

  xorriso -dev /dev/rcd0d -map /usr/lib /usr/lib -map /lib /lib

Again: eject, reload, mount, and check for completeness:
  diff -r /usr/lib /mnt/usr/lib
(We copied /lib because some symbolic links from /usr/lib point
 to it and would elsewise cause complaints of diff.)


If an experiment shows failure or suspicious outcome, please
repeat it with extreme verbosity by prepending
  -scsi_log on -report_about all
to the program arguments and redirecting the output to a log file:

  xorriso -scsi_log on -report_about all \ \
     2>&1 | tee -i /tmp/xorriso.log

Send me the complete xorriso shell command and the log file
for inspection.


Have a nice day :)


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