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Make USB/SCSI delay to avoid timeouts?

from my original post:

> Is there a way to enforce a delay in probing USB or SCSI in NetBSD, to 
> possibly avert timeouts/disconnects?

> In FreeBSD, there is a tunable loader parameter.

> In /boot/defaults/loader.conf, there is a line showing the default (FreeBSD)

>"2000"     # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI

> Not many computer users actually have SCSI these days, but USB uses SCSI 
> subsystem.

> This 2000 milliseconds can be set higher, like 13000, and has helped me in 
> FreeBSD.

> How can I achieve this effect in NetBSD?

Manuel Bouyer responded:

> A better question would be: why is 2s not enough ?

How is that for an evasive answer?

Or is this a devious way of saying I should stick with FreeBSD and Linux?

There tends to be a little delay in recognizing a USB device, and keeping it up.

I notice that setting"13000" or whatever it is now seems 
to prevent device timeouts on the Hiro H50191 wi-fi adapter in FreeBSD.

This device is not supported in NetBSD but works in FreeBSD 10.0-prerelease and 
11-HEAD as device rsu; also seems to be supported in OpenBSD 5.4.


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