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Workaround for PR 47241 (bad conditional expression errors during build)

Hi list,

I'm trying to build the 6.0 stable branch on 5.1.2, and very early into
the build process (after issuing "./ -O ../obj -T ../tools -U
distribution") I am getting a host of errors along these lines:

nbmake: Bad conditional expression `defined(NOGCCERROR) || (gcc ==
"clang" && defined(NOCLANGERROR))' in defined(NOGCCERROR) || (gcc ==
"clang" && defined(NOCLANGERROR))?yes:no nbmake: Bad conditional
expression ` == "no" ' in  == "no" ?-Werror:

This PR seems relevant:

and the culprit is apparently an undefined ACTIVE_CC environment

I have tired exporting ACTIVE_CC=gcc but this doesn't seem to make a

Does anybody know how to work around this?  That PR is from November
2012, but I am using a freshly checked out source tree.  Surely NetBSD
6 has not been unbuildable for several months?  I am having this
problem on two different machines, so I don't think it's anything
idiosyncratic to my environment.  Both machines are Xen-based VPSes,
though, if that's potentially relevant.


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