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Re: 6.0_BETA: FAT and iwn0 problems (and strange similarity)

On 3/12/12 9:09 AM, Mayuresh wrote:
These are seemingly unrelated problems, though there is a commonality
mentioned later.

1. Mounting a FAT partition of memory card of a mobile phone, connected
through USB and attempting to write to it crashes NetBSD 6.0_BETA.
A backtrace from DDB is invaluable here.  You may need to set 
ddb.onpanic=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf to get your system to the db> prompt 
on crash.
2. Heavy traffic (opening multiple tabs in browser for example) causes
router (WRT54GL) to hang requiring re-start. (One may say that's
router's problem, which might also be true. But read below.)
It's making your _router_ hang?  But NetBSD is OK?  I don't think 
there's much we can do about this...  it was likely only luck that 
didn't make this happen on NetBSD 5.1.
Both of the above problems were absent in 5.1 and both were present on
Linux (Fedora 16 was the one I was using). That is a strange similarity.
Coincidence is a strange and powerful force.  :)

Perhaps both FAT and iwn0 drivers changed in such a way that they borrowed
the same problems my Linux box had - precisely the issues that forced me
to look for alternatives and NetBSD 5.1 provided high stability on both
these issues and I had almost switched to NetBSD as my primary desktop OS.
Any beta release is bound to have issues.   Help us track them down!

Let me know what details I can provide to help diagnose these.


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