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Re: NetBSD vs FreeBSD

,--- You/Daniel (Wed, 03 Aug 2011 13:24:19 +0200) ----*
| On 08/03/2011 12:00 PM, Alex Goncharov wrote:
| > And on the laptop side:  Nvidia builds drivers for Linux and FreeBSD.  I
| > am not sure it does that for NetBSD.
| "On the laptop side"? Does this mean that Nvidia builds drivers for 
| NetBSD on the desktop but not for laptops?

It doesn't mean that: I don't know if Nvidia builds any drivers for
NetBSD (didn't notice any when searching for the Linux ones).

I should have said, "On the graphics side" but I was specifically
looking for a laptop card driver, and thus my incorrect phrasing came.
(The end result with my laptop and Nvidia: the driver was there, for
both Linux and FreeBSD).

Essentially, one needs to keep the video card driver availability in
mind when selecting the OS.  

-- Alex -- --

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