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Re: *PLEASE READ* Re: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help

> If you read the wiki page I believe it states gnome as the preferred
> desktop environment.
Guilty as charged. Indeed I only gave the wiki a cursory glance.

> Random question for the day:
>   How much time has been wasted (duplicated time and time again) by
>   technically literate people who just wanted a basic desktop system setup
>   so they could work on something that actually interested them, like
>   adding new pkgsrc packages or drivers for some item of USB hardware?, or
>   who just wanted to run the same OS for development on their laptop as
>   they were running on their servers? ... In my opinion, *that* is the
>   correct primary target market of desktop netbsd - people who could set it
>   up by hand, but *do not want to* as they have more useful things to do
>   with their time.
I guess if those people are technically literate they could just as well
install the gnome metapackage from pkgsrc, right? AFAIK it installs
everything it needs to run, X11 included. They don't even have to compile it,
since there are binary packages (never tried them myself, though, so I'd
appreciate if someone would share his experience with that) and I suppose
desktop.tgz just will contain some mix of those.

>       Phase 1 just covers getting a working Desktop system.
>       All of the flashy gui tools are deferred to Phase 2 - a
>       very wise decision in my opinion as those will require care
>       to ensure the integration is done well and does not impair
>       the base system.
>       By the way, thank you for articulating your main concern -
>       integrating desktop configuration could impair the base
>       system, rather than just waving your hands and saying "Bad,
>       Baaaad!"
It's this part which scares me most - there're horrible examples how flashy
GUI config tools can screw an otherwise decent OS. The first which comes to
mind is SuSE's yast.

There's another thing, too. I don't quite like the phrase "Given a NetBSD CD
and a reasonably modern x86 computer...". What about those who use something
different than x86?

Best regards.

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