Louis Guillaume wrote:
Hi!I have a Soekris 4501 that I use as a gateway/NAT/Firewall machine. I was going to upgrade to the 5501, but haven't seen any evidence that it will work with NetBSD-4.But apparently the 4501 should handle this task just fine:http://groups.google.com/group/muc.lists.netbsd.users/browse_thread/thread/7fd6ef59dfff9fc5Is there anything I can do to realize better performance from this hardware? Or should I look to upgrade?
Have a look through the archives of the tech-embed@ mailing list: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-embed/2006/11/06/msg000896.html Also WRT NetBSD on the 5501: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-embed/2007/06/19/msg001032.html adrian.