Index of netbsd-advocacy for July, 2009

E.J. NovikovasThe God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Andy RuhlRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Pierrick BrossinRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Christopher HRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
E.J. NovikovasRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Daniel de KokRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Hubert FeyrerRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Peter SeebachRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Herb PeyerlRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Christopher HThe God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Christopher HRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Andy RuhlRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Matthew MondorRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Hubert FeyrerRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Stephen BorrillRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Daniel de KokRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
ChristopheRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
E.J. NovikovasRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
E.J. NovikovasRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Herb PeyerlRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Stephen BorrillRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Mark WeinemRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Hubert FeyrerRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
Andy RuhlRe: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD.
E.J. NovikovasI unsubscribe.
Andy RuhlRe: I unsubscribe.
Hisashi T FujinakaRe: I unsubscribe.
David =?iso-8859-1?q?Lanzend=F6rfer?=Re: The God, the Devil and the NetBSD