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Re: nfs client kernel crash

On Mon, 20 Jun 2016, Christos Zoulas wrote:

On Jun 20, 10:24pm, ( wrote:
-- Subject: Re: nfs client kernel crash

| On Fri, 17 Jun 2016, Christos Zoulas wrote:
| > | I am mounting with: nosuid,userquota,rw,tcp,soft,intr
| > |
| > | Is this a problem?
| >
| > Yes :-), I'd get rid of "soft" first.
| >
| > christos
| >
| I changed the nfs options to: userquota,nosuid,rw,tcp,bg
| The message is still there.

The interrupted message? If yes, this is wrong. Do you want to instrument
the code or should I and send you a patch?
Since I have removed the nfs mount options soft and intr, I have not seen 
any interrupted message.
Since I have applied the patch there was no more crash. The PR/51215 can 
be closed.
In my opinion, the NFS client implementation is still faulty. In the last 
days I have created and deleted a mirror of Scientific Linux for several 
times. This is a very large tree. Some directories have up to 10,000 
entries. In some experiments I tried to clear the tree recursively and got 
some error messages like:
rm -rf scientific/
rm: scientific/50/i386/updates/security: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50/i386/updates: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50/i386: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50/x86_64/sites/Fermi/updates/security: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50/x86_64/sites/Fermi/updates: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50/x86_64/sites/Fermi: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50/x86_64/sites: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50/x86_64: Directory not empty
rm: scientific/50: Directory not empty
rm: scientific: Directory not empty

A new 'rm -rf' call deletes the remaining data. This behavior occurs randomly. Often in a directory with many files. I observed the behavior
with different nfs servers.

I have not found any way to reproduce the behavior safely and with little effort :-(


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