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Re: dhc* in NetBSD 7.0

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 03:22:33PM +0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> - sendmail took a long time to die before it was replaced with postfix.
>   being patient and conservative pays off usually because the transition
>   is less painful. I've had two people who's configuration did not work
>   with dhcpcd and worked with dhclient and I am working with them to
>   fix it. I think that it is appropriate to include dhclient in the
>   next formal release, and announce that this is the last release where
>   we will ship it, to give a chance to people to upgrade.

I don't see the point in waiting for yet another release cycle. Everyone
can already test out dhcpcd and slowly adopt existing configurations in
netbsd-5 and netbsd-6. So people do have the change to upgrade already.


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