On Tue, 22 Dec 2009, Bernd Ernesti wrote: [snip]
The clue there is the "netbsd-5-0" stanza. As Joerg says this is a known issue in the netbsd-5-0 branch (i.e. NetBSD 5.0, NetBSD 5.0.1 and the upcoming NetBSD 5.0.2). If you look for the netbsd-5 branch (i.e. what will become NetBSD 5.1 soon) you will find it works fine (I can confirm it works on 2TB drives).Sorry, but that is not true for fdisk. I still need to confirm that the patch compiles on netbsd-5 before the pullup for port-i386/42483 can be done.
OK, to be more clear, sysinst and most parts of disklabel and fdisk work fine. I know of two outstanding problems (neither of which affect sysinst doing a 'normal' installation):
- fdisk in interactive mode (PR#42483 as above) - disklabel in interactive mode (-i)I bet with the fdisk PR a workaround would be to use batch mode rather than interactive mode (-s type/offset/size).
-- Stephen