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Re: Downgrade from -current?

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 01:34:08PM -0700, Camilo Reyes wrote:
> Is it possible to downgrade my system from -currnent to netbsd-4-0-release? I 
> don't want to mess up my system. Thnx.

I've actually been thinking about doing this myself.  I've got plenty of 
disk space, so my plan is to essentially do a fresh install into a chroot,[*1]
copy over any config files, and then setup symlinks to swap everything
out at once, but reversibly[*2].  As far as I know, there isn't an easy way
to do this, so I'd suggest planning carefully, and keeping a boot CD on
hand to fix things up if you really screw up.


[*1] This won't quite work because the revivesa branch hasn't been merged
 yet, but you can come close.

[*2] This assumes you're using a single filesystem for everything:
mkdir /old
ln -s old /active
mv /usr /old; ln -s active/usr usr  # repeat for each directory in /
mkdir /new
install stuff into /new
ln -hfs /new /active

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