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Firewire Webcam


I have an Unibrain Fire-i Webcam.
When I plug it in, then I get this:

fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc1, gen=2, CYCLEMASTER mode
ieee1394if0: 2 nodes, maxhop <= 1, cable IRM = 1 (me)
ieee1394if0: bus manager 1 (me)
ieee1394if0: New S400 device ID:08144361026315ce
sbp0 at ieee1394if0: SBP-2/SCSI over IEEE1394
NULL management address

# fwctl
2 devices (info_len=2)
node           EUI64          status
   1  00-24-1b-00-d7-28-9d-00      0
   0  08-14-43-61-02-63-15-ce      1

According to sbp(4) manpage, it is supposed to
attach on DV cams but not on webcams.


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