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Re: /etc/rc.d/local starts not last

On 14.04.2019 14:11, Robert Elz wrote:
> The single rc.local no longer really has a purpose - it was never really
> very useful anyway (because there was, and still is, no reasonable way
> to use it to run 2 different commands that need to be started at different
> times.)   Anyone who uses it (I suspect that's a far smaller subset of
> sites than you might think) should migrate to individual rc.d scripts
> for individual commands.

Well, sometimes I find it useful to put there throw away startup
scripts. And not always every setup is worth the time to fix properly.

For example once I was mounting a file as a block device as I had to
fixup partition layout and didn't want to reinstall/repartition system

Another benefit of rc.local(8) is that it's possible to inject there
cleanly first-boot/all-boot commands from preprocessed distribution image.

Other people certainly find their own use-cases. Please keep it there,
same with rc.shutdown(8).

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