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/etc/rc.d/local starts not last


On a node I have recently upgraded to NetBSD 7.1.2, the launching of a
Vnc server at boot time fails, while by connecting to the node and
relaunching it, it succeeds.

Since I have stripped down the node to the bare X11 packages needed to
run it, I first tried to look if something was missing that for some
obscur reason failed the first time and succeeded the next.

But I do think now that the culprit is that Vnc is launched in:


IIRC, rc.local was said to run last.

But it is not the case anymore, /etc/rc.d/local having to run BEFORE:
LOGIN. The rcorder'ing of /etc/rc.d is now:

/etc/rc.d/local		<<< local is here

So my guess is that Vnc reinject keyboard and mouse events and so need
wsmoused to run (and it is after).

On what purpose does the rc.local need not run last?

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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