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Re: The essential problems of moving from CVS

On Jan 18, 2010, at 2:22 PM, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 01:59:35PM -0500, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
I suppose my biggest concern with Fossil and NetBSD is how Fossil
might scale.  We use Fossil on projects with a 1GB or larger
check-out and with thousands and thousands of files.  But I didn't
really design fossil for truly huge projects.  How big is NetBSD?

Working copy of src is around 1.7GB with 267k files and 40k directories.
Working copy of pkgsrc is around 334MB with 99k files and 27k

The SqlLogicTest project ( is about a 1.3GB checkout, but it only contains 633 files (the are mostly all huge 10MB test scripts). So I know we can handle the 1.7GB project size. What is untested is the 265K files and 40k directories. I expect that it will work. But if there are any inefficiencies, O(N^2) behaviors, or other factors about Fossil that do not scale, I suspect you will find them. :-) If you do run into sluggishness are don't want to give up on fossil, let me know and we can probably fix the problems, whatever they happen to be.

How large is your CVS repository?

A cvs2svn trace of src from a while ago ended up with round 240k revisions.
The src tree itself is 3.9GB. The pkgsrc tree on the other hand is

How many check-ins do you do per day?

Typically a few dozen for each.

How many developers do you have?

Maybe 20-30 developers with regular commits (e.g. typically at least one
commit per week).

These other factors are well within common practice and should not present any problems.

D. Richard Hipp

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