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Re: C99 (was: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc)

On Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 10:25:32PM +0000, wrote:
> I'm not the best choice for being responsible for branching (my
> involvement has been more sporadic lately) but I can do it for Q1.
> I've got my "no" responses all armed up and ready.

Thank you!

> What is the expected start of freeze and branching dates?

Usually the branch is cut at the end and the freeze is 10-15 days
before that, depending on the state of HEAD.

Right now, there's still some fallout from setuptools, but I think
I've fixed it and the next HEAD bulk build should be a bit better than
early February

so probably freezing somewhere between the 15th and the 20th should be

gdt wrote up some branch rules and conventions here:

The actual details for branching are in


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