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Re: rust support for base system rust

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 01:28:19PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
 > (People continue to struggle with rust and I expect that to continue.
 > That's just background.)
 > Right now pkgsrc can build and use RUST_TYPE=src or bin.   There's no
 > way to say "use the rustc that is in /usr/bin from the OS", which is
 > different from just about everything else in pkgsrc, and feels like a
 > bug.
 > So it seems intuitively obvious that rust should have a that
 > checks for rustc and if it is good enough (exists, high enough version
 > vs RUST_REQD, not known to be broken), and uses it.
 > Do others agree?

It is more of a than a type of issue, but yes,
I agree.

(like with other compiler choices it's probably important to arrange
things so that all packages use the same version... except probably
more so)

David A. Holland

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