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Potential additions to the Pkgsrc Guide

I would like to add two new subsections to the Pkgsrc Guide that describe two common types of packages for which there are many examples in pkgsrc: R packages and TeXlive packages.  I envision these going in section 12.1 "Common types of packages" following the perl and python descriptions.  The attached file is a patch that does that.

It would be really helpful to get some feedback on the marked up text for two reasons: (i) I never use docbook so there may be technical improvements to the markup that are possible, and (ii) I would like confirmation of the content.

Especially for the TeXlive part, it would be really helpful for someone to make a package based upon what I have written to see if there are any confusing parts, omissions, or possible improvements.

I look forward to your input.

Thanks a lot.


Attachment: patch-doc_guide_files_creating.xml
Description: XML document

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