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Re: qt5-qtbase

On 3/29/19 10:57 AM, Jason Bacon wrote:
On 3/29/19 9:12 AM, Jason Bacon wrote:
On 3/28/19 5:36 PM, Mark Davies wrote:
On 29/03/19 11:05 am, Jason Bacon wrote:
I just ran another cvs update to be absolutely sure, and this is the
result of bmake clean; bmake install:
OK, so that's a different issue from the tslib one that Thomas Orgis 
reporting (and was showing up in the Joyent Ubuntu bulk build reports).

Could you send me the full bmake output and I'll take a look tonight to
see whats different about your build.

Found 3 more qt5 failures on the way to a successful octave build. Maybe this will shine more light on the issue.
And thanks for all your hard work maintaining qt.  This is a huge 
contribution to the project...
=> Checking file-check results for qt5-qtlocation-5.12.2
ERROR: ************************************************************
ERROR: The following files are in /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtlocation/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25 but not in the PLIST: ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtlocation/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Positioning/Qt5Positioning_QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue2.cmake ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtlocation/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Positioning/Qt5Positioning_QGeoPositionInfoSourceFactoryGeoclue.cmake ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtlocation/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/plugins/position/ ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtlocation/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/plugins/position/
=> Checking file-check results for qt5-qtmultimedia-5.12.2
ERROR: ************************************************************
ERROR: The following files are in the PLIST but not in /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtmultimedia/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25: ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtmultimedia/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Multimedia/Qt5Multimedia_QPulseAudioPlugin.cmake ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtmultimedia/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/plugins/audio/
=> Checking file-check results for qt5-qtsensors-5.12.2
ERROR: ************************************************************
ERROR: The following files are in /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtsensors/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25 but not in the PLIST: ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtsensors/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Sensors/Qt5Sensors_IIOSensorProxySensorPlugin.cmake ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtsensors/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/lib/cmake/Qt5Sensors/Qt5Sensors_LinuxSensorPlugin.cmake ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtsensors/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/plugins/sensors/ ERROR: /home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkgsrc-2019-03-25/x11/qt5-qtsensors/work/.destdir/home/bacon/Pkgsrc/pkg-2019-03-25/qt5/plugins/sensors/
This little hack fixes the plist issues in qt5-qtbase:

 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=    -I "${PREFIX}/include"
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=    -L "/usr/lib64"
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=    -opensource -confirm-license
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=    -sysconfdir "${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/xdg"

config.log was reporting a failed xlib test because it could not find libm.{so,a}.
So now the question is why doesn't the configure system look in the 
standard location for core libraries on RHEL/CentOS by default?

The qtmultimedia issue went away after I patched qtbase.

As for qtlocation and qtsensors, have you tested these on Linux yet?  I wonder if the extra files I'm getting could simply be added to PLIST.Linux.
My test env is CentOS-minimal with the bare minimum Yum packages for 
pkgsrc to function.  Hard to imagine that it has anything other Linux 
systems lack.
I woke up feeling doubtful this morning, but now I'm more optimistic 
that this can be fixed before the branch, which would be really nice.  I 
publish binary packages each quarter and adding numerous packages that 
depend on qt (esp math/octave) to the set would be a great boost.

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