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Re: wip/iverilog

Kamil Rytarowski <> writes:

> My proposition is to upgrade pkgsrc version with Icarus Verilog from
> wip/iverilog and optionally pull in modifications from
> wip/verilog-current.

You straightening out all the patches, filing them with upstream,
etc. is of course most welcome.

Presumably you have already checked in with the MAINTAINER before
embarking on this?

> Do we need 4 packages with the same tool, but different name? Can we
> obsolete them and stick to stable and optionally -git version?

Since this seems to be a single upstream, I don't see any reason for
more than one package with a release (in pkgsrc proper) and a snapshot
one (perhaps in wip, since we tend to avoid other than releases in

> Can we stick to new iverilog name? For me 'verilog' is like name
> 'editor' for an editor.

As for the name, I see your point about 'verilog' properly being the
name of a language, not a program, but the upstream tarball is called
verilog- and unpacks to that.  Plus it's been that way forever and has
not generated complaints.

I don't follow "stick with"; the precedent is "verilog", so any proposal
for a change is just that.  Generally I view changes as having a cost
and tend to avoid them (cvs history, updating, etc.).  All in all I
would leave the package as verilog because that's the upstream tarball
name.  You could file a bug asking them to change it to icarus-verilog
or iverilog and we could of course follow suit.

But if you're going to take care of this, I don't object - that's just
my graybeard rant.

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