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Re: DEPENDS semantics (was: removing useless dependencies)

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 11:17:40PM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
 > > Again: the pattern itself provides the most natural ordering. Anything
 > > else violates the principle of least surprise.
 > For the most common existing use case, the ordering would be
 > counterproductive. Viz.:
 > DEPENDS+=	   gtar-base-${PKGVERSION}{,nb*}:../../devel/gtar-base
 > by your argument it should prefer gtar-base-1.2.4 to gtar-base-1.2.4nbX.

As I already said once, because we tend to write in ascending order it
might make sense to pick from the right, not the left. Or one could
easily rewrite as gtar-base-${PKGVERSION}{nb*,}

However, this particular case really ought to be written like this:

David A. Holland

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