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Re: Question about NetBSD implementation of IPv6 SLAAC and RFC4941

On 05/04/2020 23:05, Christos Zoulas wrote:
What about systems that don't use dhcpcd? I have statically allocated
addresses at work and don't use dhcpcd currently...
And they will still work.
Statically allocated means you're ignoring router advertisements.
Am I? I thought that I could still see routing advertisements for my static addresses. How about if the default
route changes (or any other specific routes)?
Maybe your definition of static differs from mine.
By static I mean you have addresses and routes setup in say /etc/ifconfig.re0
Can you clarify?

And if anyone doesn't want to use dhcpcd, they are free to use an alternative such as slaacd(8) from OpenBSD.

Does the isc dhcp client offer the same functionality?
I don't see what ISC dhcp client has to do with this?
But, no it does not.
Well, dhcpcd handles DHCP, RA, SLAAC. I was wondering what I would need to run the ISC dhcp client instead...
ISC dhcp client runs either DHCP or DHCP6 (not both at the same time in the same 
You would need something else to handle SLAAC from RA like say slaacd(8) from 
How much code are we talking about?
sys/netinet6/nd6_rtr.c is 2262 lines of code that can go.
Then there is some associated glue in the other bits of netinet6 that can go as well, or become ENOTSUPP.
Parts of ndp(8) can also go that set set RA bits.
That's a lot :-)
It's not in-substancial and the only updates it sees are just the parts to make 
it carry on working with the various API changes we've made in other parts of 
the kernel.

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