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Re: MPLS patches

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
Well, there are lots of who wonder about the applicability of MPLS
Has the MPLS implementation been tested for interoperability with Cisco or Juniper routers?
I've tested it with Cisco only. Sorry, had no Jups available for testing.

Does ospfd speak and use LDP with this code?
No, we would have to import/write an OSPF daemon in our repository first 
and I don't think this will happen too soon.
What about BGP/MPLS VPNs?
I hope to get those working helped by openbgpd. No work has been done 
towards this yet. Just kernel and ldp. Also I have to implement VRF 
support in NetBSD but that's another sad story :/
(I'm not attacking -- these are things that are
necessary when using MPLS in network cores.)


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