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Re: more on proff crash building native

On Sat, 14 Feb 2009, Anders Magnusson wrote:

    Has anyone confirmed it is inbound only - sending lots of data
    from the vax never hits the issue? Also, does it have the
    same issue via loopback?

    I suspect there could be some issue at a lower level which
    ssh's crc is picking up. Quit a while back I had to diagnose
    an issue with mozilla having issues downloading mailboxes.
    Turned out to be an ISDN box which would fixup any invalid
    checksums on inbound data when performing NAT. Vile piece of
    electronic money offal.

    Anyway - the epiphany came when ssh aborted with a CRC error...

In this case ssh is never aborted, so the error occures later than its
CRC check.  And, I have never seen it on outbound traffic, only inbound.

        It was a putty window that choked, so the actual failure behaviour
        might vary. How hard is this error to trigger? Can someone who
        has a repeatable test case try it over ssh localhost to eliminate
        the network card, or possibly on a vax with a different network

                David/absolute       -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --

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